
The New Lawyer Chronicles: an out of state attorney’s advice on how to find your niche in Massachusetts

By Sara Horatius posted Wed January 29,2014 05:27 PM


Blog # 2: “Patience is a virtue”

Dear Jeni,

One proverbial expression that people often quote is, “patience is a virtue.” This expression is sort of cliché, however, this expression truly became real for me when I became an attorney. First let me dissect this proverb for you.

What does it mean to be patient or to have patience?

Well the definition of the word patient means: able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.

And the definition of the word patience means: the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset

Let me break down these words a little further.

The definitions start off with the words to be able or have the capacity. What comes to my mind when I see these words is to have the power to do something.

Ok so a person who is patient has the power, but what power does he or she have? The next couple of words in the definitions are, to tolerate or accept. In regards to the words patient/patience, the words, tolerate and accept, are synonymous with the word to endure.

So far we see that a person who is patient has the power to endure, but what can he or she endure? The next couple of words are: delays, problems, trouble or sufferings. A person who is patient realizes that difficulties will come, e.g.: difficulty in finding a job; not passing the bar, etc.; however, that person does not worry or become upset with the realities of life, but he or she finds the strength to endure and wait patiently for the solution to his or her difficult situation.

Patient/patience: the power to endure hardships without getting angry or wasting time worrying about it.

What does the word virtue mean

The definition I would like to use in the context of this proverb is: a commendable quality or trait. The word commendable means respectable or praiseworthy. The words quality and trait refers to a person’s character. Basically, the word virtue means: having a characteristic that is respectable.

This proverb seems to suggests that patience is a respectable characteristic. I agree with this statement because as an attorney, there are always situations that will test your patience; whether it is dealing with a difficult judge or client or being unemployed. Thus, the question that every attorney should ask himself or herself is, what is my level of patience? Being an attorney is not necessarily about how many cases you’ve won, or your ability to write and research, but it is all about your reputation or your character. As an attorney, what are some of your characteristics that you possess that are commendable or respected among your comrades, your adversaries, your clients? Do people describe you as a patient person? Is this a trait that you can honestly say that you possess?

A person who is patient is someone who is looked at with awe. The reason for this is when people meet a patient person, they recognize that this person has the ability to endure hardships and will not become anxious when life becomes difficult, and that his or her patience is one reason for that person’s many accomplishments. Patience becomes a trait and is commendable when a person can endure a difficult situation, strive for success despite the difficulty and at the end of the day still stand up tall with a smile on his or her face.

Virtue: a respectable characteristic.

So Jen, patience will be a virtue for you if you can endure some of the hardships that you will face when you get out of law school. If you can endure those hardships without complaining and being angry at life’s circumstances, then you will have added a commendable trait to your character that will be respected by everyone you come in contact with.

Patience is truly a virtue.


