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New MassBar Beat podcast: “Mastering the Unspoken Word”

By Christopher Kenney posted Wed October 19,2016 10:24 AM


What kind of impression are you giving to a judge or jury at trial — even before you say a word? That’s the topic of the newest episode of the MBA’s podcast, the MassBar Beat, which is now available.

In  “Mastering the Unspoken Word: Body Language and Nonverbal Communication in Court,” I discuss how a lawyer’s attire, body language, tone of voice and other nonverbal cues can impact your chances in court. I invite you to join me as I talk about tips for success, including some of the key takeaways from Sonya Hamlin's book, "Now, What Makes Juries Listen.”

Listen to the MassBar Beat for free on iTunes and SoundCloud. Better yet, subscribe so you don’t miss a “Beat.” 

Thank you,

Christopher A. Kenney

MBA Treasurer, 2016-17

