Please join us for the Sixth Annual Survive and Thrive sponsored by the Massachusetts Bar Association's Young Lawyers Division, the Massachusetts Defense Lawyers Association (MassDLA) and the Boston Bar Association (BBA). This virtual event will be held on Thursday, Dec. 3, from 6 to 8 p.m.
Seasoned attorneys will provide newer attorneys with tips on surviving and thriving during the first few years in the practice of law. A one-hour panel discussion will be immediately followed by networking in breakout rooms. We encourage attorneys of all practice areas to meet and mingle with up-and-comers from the MBA, MassDLA and BBA.
This program is also FREE for MassDLA and BBA members. Please contact MBA Member Services at (617) 338-0530 to register.
This webinar will be hosted using Zoom. Registration is required by noon on Wednesday, Dec. 2, to participate in this program. After you register with the MBA, please look for an email from MassBar Education with the Webinar ID and Password. The email will be sent before the program.
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