Join us for the Massachusetts Bar Association’s Taxation Law Section
Council’s Tax Talk Tuesdays luncheon series, where tax law attorneys gather to
discuss the latest trends, developments and insights in the world of taxation.
This series will feature three in-depth programs designed to provide valuable
updates and expert perspectives on key topics shaping the tax landscape in
In this program, we will review highlights from some of the Heckerling
presentations that stood out as particularly interesting, focusing on
developments in estate and gift tax issues, but also covering other relevant
topics to trusts and estate matters. Time permitting, we will entertain
questions and dialogue from our audience.
Don't miss this opportunity to connect with fellow professionals, stay
informed on crucial tax issues, and gain insights that will enhance your
expertise and practice.
Registration is required by 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 10, in order
to participate in this program. An email from MassBar
Education will be sent before the program.