How to Draft a Trust that Works

When:  Nov 15, 2012 from 12:00 PM to 04:00 PM (ET)

Trust and special needs trust language is under attack by federal and state agencies. Estate planning attorneys often draft a trust from a viewpoint of a particular goal such as probate avoidance. Learn from our experienced faculty the dangers of this approach as well as how to draft trusts which will withstand a high level of scrutiny. Specific topics include:

  • How the Social Security Administration has resurrected archaic legal terms like the "Doctrine of Worthier Title: to classify your carefully drafted irrevocable special needs trust;
  • Massachusetts has eliminated DWT, but what if your client moves to a different state which has yet to eliminate this concept?; and 
  •  Best drafting practices from the outlook of Medicare, Medicaid, tax planning, trust litigation and trust reformation.

Can't make it to Boston? The MBA will provide a live program simulcast at Western New England University School of Law, 1215 Wilbraham Road, Springfield.


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Boston, MA 02111