MentorMatch, a virtual career development tool, provides you with a unique opportunity to share and receive leadership and management skills, guidance, advice, and valuable life lessons from fellow Massachusetts Bar Association members. This new, exclusive benefit allows you to learn different perspectives from various practice levels, and begin to build strong relationships and referral networks with MentorMatch participants.
Engage in the MBA's MentorMatch program and get the resources, tools and encouragement needed to help you succeed.
Take the next step and see how you can participate in MentorMatch.
The MBA’s MentorMatch program provides an assortment of resources and mentoring relationships to all participating members. Through MentorMatch you are able to give back to the legal community by helping others learn and grow.
Now that you’ve decided to participate, follow these easy steps to get started and connect with your mentor or mentee.
Mentees - Search & Connect with a Mentor.
Search for a mentor using our MentorMatch database by searching for areas of practice, sections/divisions, etc. You can also search for a mentee.
Once you find a mentor that you are interested in establishing a mentor/mentee connection with, click on their name and it will bring you to their profile page. Click on the MentorMatch badge found under the mentor you have selected. This will allow you to request a connection. Once your invitation is accepted, you can then connect.
MentorMatch – Mentee and Mentor Checklist
- Introduction to the Organized Bar: Activities may include introducing the mentee to colleagues and/or other lawyers, attending a Massachusetts Bar Association meeting or event together, and discussing the advantages of being involved in MBA activities.
- Introduction to Pro Bono, Civic and Charitable Activities: Activities may include attending an MBA volunteer program together, such as the Dial-A-Lawyer, Law Day or Mock Trial programs. The mentor should also discuss the importance of pro bono providers, such as MassProBono, in ensuring access to justice; and/or discuss opportunities for lawyers to engage in pro bono activities and do civic and charitable work.
- Introduction to Career Objectives and Career Paths: Activities may include discussing the mentee’s long-term career objectives and identifying ways to meet those goals; discussing different career paths, such as large and small firms, government and nonprofit practice, and nontraditional legal positions; and/or identifying resources for exploring these options.
- Introduction to Diversity and Inclusion: Activities may include discussing the importance of creating an inclusive and diverse workplace environment, increasing the diversity and inclusiveness of the profession as a whole, and ways to achieve these objectives.
- Introduction to Resources for Ethical Issues: Activities may include discussing potential resources for dealing with complicated ethical issues, such as conflicts of interest. If the mentoring relationship is an in-house relationship, the mentor may discuss the firm or organization’s procedures for assisting with complicated ethical issues.
- Introduction to Law Practice Management: Activities may include touring a law office (such as the mentor’s), learning how the law office is managed, discussing how practice management systems are implemented, and/or discussing resources where the mentee can learn more about office management issues.
Contact MentorMatch at mentormatch@massbar.org.